Bathinda Road, Kotkapura Distt.Faridkot


English Medium Co-Educational, Day-Boarding Institute
Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi Vide No. 1630727, School Code. 20705

+91 9814200866, 9814200849

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Vice Chairman Message

Mandeep Singh Monga



Dear Students, Parents and Guardians,

I delightfully welcome you and your child to the Oxbridge family. It is my vision to provide the world with motivated, responsible and disciplined youth, to shape a better future. I believe this can be achieved by strengthening their foundation upon which they can create a successful future for themselves and the society around them.

When we mention education, it weaves a simple picture in our minds of a student learning and a teacher teaching, but education is beyond the classical paper-pencil-black board theory. It has evolved into the giant wheel that has many spokes such as personality management, time management, competing beyond boundaries etc. Oxbridge World School just being the newest appendage; to strengthen the early childhood education and focusing on middle school education for students to decide upon a career stream, which they can choose for themselves later in life.

We aim at ensuring that our comprehensive development programs provide students with an international learning experience, while preserving our core Indian values.

Education is not mere accumulation of facts; it is preparation of life itself. Education is knowledge imbued with wisdom and ethics. It develops the personality of the students, moulds their character and develops mental skills to help them cope with problems and challenges of the complex world of today. One of the most significant character traits that need to be instilled in our youth during their education is a finely ingrained attitude of service- before-self. The aim is to make them successful not only in life, but also conscious of their duties and responsibilities towards their fellow citizens.

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